Standards are rare these days, and more important than ever. Here are some of ours.


A human being is never a commodity. Not for any reason, not under any circumstances.

We listen to our patients.

We take radiographs of diagnostic quality.

“There may be many ways to treat a case, but there is only one correct diagnosis.”
–Morton Amsterdam, DDS

We create ideal, defect-free restorations by staying focused and, most importantly, by working diligently in the Operating Microscope.

We strive at all times to keep our patients’ gums healthy, and to teach them how to maintain that health.

We strive to keep dental pulps vital.

We conserve natural tooth structure, choosing restorative options based on what is best for the tooth and patient before us, not based on any consideration of financial gain.

We encourage patients to treat their malocclusions; every mouth is healthier when teeth are properly aligned.

We will inform patients about their dental diagnosis and we will do what is best for them.

We recognize that while disease calls for explanation, consent and treatment; elective dentistry is just that, elective, and is performed at the pleasure of the patient.

We respect that patients are, in effect, our employers and we will strive to achieve perfect clarity for them in making financial arrangements.

We keep our equipment and infrastructure in good repair.

We shall remain a bespoke dental practice in which patients are listened to and treated as individuals. The industrialization of American medicine has been painful to all but the industrialists.

We will support students of dentistry, dental hygiene and dental assisting. Every young colleague is a treasure to be honored and mentored, not cheated and industrialized.

Nothing bad ever came of generosity.